WIP - Rooted
When I began the work for Sussex Prairie Gardens show Rooted, I had little or no idea what I was about to create. I prefer to work intuitively with a variety of materials and allow the process to guide me. Atropos began life as a chicken wire sphere filled with newspaper to hold the form. I then covered it in Modroc to disguise the wire inside.
I like my work to appear to be able to move so I made 3 legs which I attached to the sphere. Then I let it stand for a while in the hope that the next step would present itself…
I enjoy playing and keeping an open mind about the final piece, so I experimented with a variety of objects to sit on top of the sphere. These were then photographed, as I find it helps to create distance from the work enough for me to evaluate the results. It also has the advantage of allowing me to review the work at home.
During this time I had been working on several other pieces and had finally plucked up the courage to paint the sphere and had chosen the last bits to add to complete the work.
Atropos is part of a trio of sculptures that relate to one another.
The work was born once I had decided on a name and a story that linked all three works!